Digital Marketing Explainer Video Case Study – Babin Business Consulting

Competitive Edge has taken to a whole new arena, with animated videos being used as a primary tool in the sport. The usual consumer has become much more assertive regarding their needs and desires.

Hence with the increase in demand and a limited attention span, the market has adapted short duration digital marketing explainer video to lead their campaigns.

Elaborate data isn’t always the best motive for anyone to remain interested, but an honest and to-the-point video animation will surely do the trick.

With expert scripting, innovative graphics, and brief streaming, you can attract much more attention to your business idea, in a shorter period.

An explainer video benefits the viewer by helping them keep a tab of changing trend through situational representation. It is only when you can see yourself in it, can you truly relate to it. What better way to increase empathy towards any concept than by showing it?

We at PixelGenio highlight the essential essence of what your company does by the help of creating engaging explainer video animations. Our client Nicolas Babin approached us for the production of a video that will bring brand awareness to his company Babin Business Consulting.

At Babin Business Consulting, Nicolas helps his clients transform to digital forms and use the art of Gamification to bring new air to client-customer relationships. Nicolas believes that cutting-edge digital marketing is usually as subtle as a pinprick, and does the job of bringing our client and buyers closer, more efficiently.

Nicolas explores various possibilities so as to strategize marketing solutions, worldwide creatively. His designs for marketing strategizes on the idea of ‘funware’ on utilizing game-like tactics in non-game contexts to excite interactive impulses.

Our team made it a priority to design the video so that it does not conform to your average everyday explainer video styles. We understood how essential it was to use the same type of game tactics and creative approach as hinted by Nicolas Babin, to derive customer attention. The concept has been represented by the use of infographic drawings in video format to carry forward the spirit of Gamification.

We see how the attention of the clientele has shifted almost entirely online and to maintain a competitive online presence digitizing everything is the way to go.

From HR, finance, and marketing to organizational competition, employee gratification, as well as data management, will be employing digital fun tactics. Showing this very implementation in situational context is just one of many promotional values of the animated explainer video. The video leads on the viewer further into the prospects of when “everything is digitized”.

Nicolas Babin discusses his use of gamified marketing and funware through many blogs on Blogger and vlogs on YouTube. His latest experience in promoting his new explainer video on ‘Gamification’ has been quite successful, with it being “a big hit with over 11, 000 people watching it”.

His motive is to brand his company “as a leader in digital transformation” and further explain “in detail what it meant, how to do it and what my added value was” says Nicolas.

Since the launch of the video, Nicolas Babin Consultancy has “signed several more customers” and has experienced a lead hike of more than 25 %.

Check out the video here:

If you desire to create an explainer video for your business which is as innovative as your new idea, schedule a session with our marketing consultant today. Visit for more information.

Looking for an explainer video for your business? Check out our portfolio of amazing explainer vidoes

2 thoughts on “Digital Marketing Explainer Video Case Study – Babin Business Consulting”

  1. thanks for sharing beautiful information

  2. thanks for sharing beautiful information


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